Sunday, April 12, 2009

A Major Breakthrough!!

Thanks to Vincent over at THIMK, he hooked me up with a dope program so i can now convert my tapes!! Im starting on them as we speak, so when i get a few done i will put them up immediately!! Its on like Donkey Kong now!! Im gonna shut yall down myself, remember u been warned, get ready for ur final thrill!!!


Anonymous said...

sounds great! looking forward to hearding them. love your site.

Anonymous said...

major sigh of relief reading this time to show true mixtape heads the real!

Olskool4real said...

Glad to know you found something that worked!!

Anonymous said...

I swear, this is the best mixtape collection on the planet. Thank you so much for those KaySlay tracks, and the Best of The Lox. Please keep them classics coming!