I introduce to u a new feature on my blog dedicated to my old Source Magazine heads out there. I have plenty myself, so i wondered why not put them to use. So every couple days or so or whenever i feel, i will put up a Source fat tape from my collection. I know people will enjoy these cause they might be put on some songs they didnt know about or never heard. I hope u enjoy these cause i love puttin this together.
On a side note on this one, i do not have that Heavy D track so i replaced it wit "Big Daddy", its a joint off that same LP.
Apr. 1997
Brandan - You should have hit me up. You know I have most or all of the 90's fat tapes. I think I found all of the tracks, too.
Dope man love from the UK, respect
yo vincent u still running that other blog u had (not the old one)?
also if u have any early 90's source mags already scanned up u can send them to me if u want.
my e-mail is dipsetgunit456@aol.com.
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