Who as in which click had a chance to be a dynasty? As u see in hip-hop there were many clicks/ labels that had a chance to be great. Some actually achieved greatness, but as soon as it happened things started to crumble or they just fell off. There havent been a click/ label yet to go all the way thru without somethin happening to ruin it in my opinion (Wutang only exception). Im about to run thru some that i think had potential to be great, if i forget to mention any please feel to offer ur opinion!
Bad Boy
Ruff Ryders
No Limit
Cash Money
The Firm
Murder Inc.
Shady/ Aftermath
Terror Squad
Boot Camp Click
Native Tongues
Juice Crew All-Stars
Dungeon Family
Children Of The Corn
Thats all i can think of right now. All these clicks/ labels had chances to be great, but somethin whether it was minor or small hindered its success somehow or another. So please let ur feelings be known out of these selections, which of these had greatness written all over it but it never happened all the way thru?
I think Cash Money is strongest click now.
I say that because they are pushing out hits, and with Wayne, Drake, Bird, Bow Wow, and NM in the click it just seems that Cash Money is going to be around for at least another year or two.
^^Yeah BARELY because CM/YM is the same thing anyway. I get what you're saying but it is NOWHERE the way it was back in te 90s. Too many niggas GREEDY and you gotta watch it when the CEO is an artist also....you ain't gone get shine first unless the CEO does (shout out to J Prince at Rap A Lot at least he wasn't no rapping ass nigga or Slim from Cash Money)
Now these days niggas can just get on youtube or some shit and push it that way. It was a good era the 90s but it will never be the same.
ESPECIALLY when the old Corporate White men running this shit smh
Niggas like jay z WANTING to be like said Corporate niggas (i mean shit who he put on? and they still having success? also see p.diddy)
peace man
[found this blog via realniggatumblr]
Boot camp shouldve been bigger than they were...that was a good roster.
How can you make this list and not include Death Row? Unbelievable
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